

Nara - Priestess

Somatic body de-armoring is allows you to reconnect with the innate wisdom of your body. This is a safe space (as much as possible) for you to relax into loving awareness & touch so that you can heal, transform and rejuvenate. Sacred spaces in your body hold magical powers. Whether you are in a female or male body, you are welcome. For women, I offer Yoni de-armoring that helps resensitize the feminine body, allowing free flow of stored emtions, enabling us to return to our wild ecstatic nature of bliss. For men, I offer sacred spot (inner work) and lingam massage. Sacred spot is deep and beautiful inner work that connects you with your power past shame. It also helps you to further develop your connection to your inner feminine, hence improving the relationship with women as well. As for Lingams, we work with realigning past experiences & enhancing the energetic flow in the body. Looking forward to guiding you on this journey. I speak English.

Amina - Tantrika

Whether you are seeking stress relief from a hard day's work, looking to completely surrender to the ultimate Tantric experience, or are simply seeking an authentic, nourishing escape for yourself, I aim to hold space for whatever you desire. Here, we create an honest approach to bettering your life through freedom of physical expression, in a warm, comfortable, and non-judgmental atmosphere. I encourage a genuine experience and welcome the request for a true one-on-one connection. I speak English.

Sati - Priestess

I pull you into the present through my tender touches. By following with attention to the slow movement on your body, you can feel the energy flowing which is relaxing, enlivening simultaneously, and transforming. With this unforgettable massage, you can leave all the stress behind and feel more power. This unique tantra-based manual therapy is good for feeling stronger self-confident and balanced as well. After the treatment might see yourself and life differently, experiencing calmness. You can take a unique experience with you, and feel more connected to your inner joy. Joy and peace stay with you on your day. I speak English.

Bondie - Dakini


"Touch has healing power!" says the saying, and how true it is! Through the touch, I also transfer the cosmic energy to you, which is special and unique in itself. Thanks to massage and touch, your everyday life can change, as you can become stress-free and recharge with positive energy. Spirituality is constantly present in my life, even though I am still a beginner tantrika. I believe and constantly experience that tantra massage is more than a simple massage. For me, it's like arriving in a special otherworldly world where I can fulfill myself, experience peace of mind, and connect with my true self. I will do my best to give you this special feeling!

Dhian - Tantrika

I invite you on a journey with my massage, during which we can both arrive at the place within ourselves, where we can be ourselves naturally, without shame, contractions and masks. Here we can experience complete self-surrender in touch, care, and perception of ourselves and others. In this space, like a gently undulating warm ocean, you can relax and dissolve. You can feel yourself, the depth and silence of your heart, and the holy joy and pleasure of your body. I am also there with you, devoting all my attention to you, giving you the touch of unconditional, loving presence. In this presence, we have the opportunity to experience that the connection opens up new dimensions in our perception of ourselves, in our emotions and in life. We are safe, we can be free and just be ourselves. And it has healing power. In the space that appears between the two of us, you can give your body way to excitement, passion, relaxation, and liberation. And your soul waves together with the touch, with the feelings that appear to you. You can allow these energies and experiences to flow freely in you, so that at the end of the massage, you can wake up refreshed, in a cleaner, deeper, more complete state. I look forward to seeing You with my loving presence. I speak English.

Valeria (Jaya) - High Priestess

For me tantric massage is all about good energy, relieving stress, promoting happiness, nurturing others, and experiencing sensuality. My healing and exceedingly touch will put you in a trance-like state where the outside world around you disappears, your senses become heightened, and reality and illusion blur into an extraordinary experience it’s hard to wake up from. Our body is our temple that's why it is important to take care of it and give everything it needs. If our body or subconscious has any energetic blocks or jams, then we are unable to feel happiness, joy, and fulfillment. To live the life we want and to experience happiness and joy it's beneficial to look our blocks in the eye and unlock them. The tantric massage provides a great solution for this. My tantric massage method is unique because it involves different cultural and spiritual rituals as well. My goal is healing by powerful touch. During the massage session, I will awaken and transform the sexual energy - that is the energy of life - into healing energy. I speak English. Parlo un po d'Italiano.

Victoria - Priestess

For me tantra is the dance of the spirit. How the energy of two spirits connect with each other. Therefor the heart opens itself. Everything that is damaged by past situations and effected a deep scab, slowly gets healed by the care that tantra brings you. Our skin is a beautiful surface. By touching it the border between the physical and the spiritual body melts slowly and finally disappears. You get into a judgeless space by the slow, smoothy and dynamic touches, where there is no any lie but the medium of honesty and healing. An ethereal space where you can get closer to the deepest spiritual reality of yours. I am waiting for you in this atmosphere that we should create together. I speak English, también hablo español.

Amrita - Priestess


Every move I make is based on my meditation and is filled with the greatest love for you. I listen to your every vibration. I flow, breathe and dance with you. During my massage you can learn to be receptive, yet in perfect awareness and to use your healing energies in a relaxed manner. You can feel that you are present in your strength and you can flow softly at the same time. Through my touches and guidance I can provide safe reference points on this path based on my decades of tantric and multi-orgasmic experience. I speak English.

Durga - Tantrika

Touch has healing power. When we touch, we touch the heart, thus we can get closer to our own emotions. With touch, we can express our love, care, and attention, which has a healing effect on the soul. Tantra massage is a full-body treatment based on slow, delicate touches, which aims to heal the soul, flow energy, and meet the true self. During my touch, you can relax, turn inward, and experience being loved. During the massage, we let the energy flow, which is then collected in the sacral chakra and directed from there into the heart, to the heart chakra, so that it exerts its beneficial and healing effects there. I look forward to seeing you!

Myra - Tantrika

I have a passion for life that allows me to offer a warm space to connect and feel truly held and seen. To awaken your essence by weaving and expanding energies. To bring consciousness to every breath and rediscover that place where the mind is at ease. My intention is to show you how magical Tantra can be. Tantra is what you are at your very core.

Roland - Masseur

For many women it’s not about a problem but about developing their sexuality to a greater level beyond the normal. I specialise in helping women discover and embody far richer sexuality and truself in themselves. The Tantric massage is the whole bodywork, a beautiful guided journey through all your sexual energies to help you discover your sexuality and highest self, connect with it, develop it or get some healing in it.

Csaba - Masseur

My tantric therapy is dedicated to authentic Tantric healing bodywork for women. I hold a safe, loving space for you to rediscover your body, and real yourself, entirely at your own pace, using coaching, embodiment, and bodywork practices. Tantra is the world’s most sensual healing experience that can give you a powerful feeling of energy, and remove all your negativity and fill you with positive happiness and energy. During the massage, you will understand how to make yourself happy, rich, deeply fulfilling, soulfully nourishing, and powerful in your life. The Tantric massage sessions are a guided experience in your body to lead you into a profound, healthy, empowered, and wholesome sexuality for your daily life.

David - Masseur

I offer a supportive space to explore yourself and your connection to the universe. A journey back to your senses, powered by transformational techniques for self-empowerment. You will learn how to embody your needs, boundaries, emotions and desires, feel better and more connected to your body, release shame and bring more resources.



Deeksha is the Sanskrit word for "initiation." It can be used to refer to a ceremony in which a guru initiates a student into their teaching. This is a one-on-one ceremony that may be practiced in religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as in the yogic tradition. It is said that the process of Deeksha allows the disciple to blossom in their spiritual development. They are able to transcend the intellect and find their happiness in the ultimate quenching of their thirst for knowledge.


Anahata, the fourth of the seven main chakras, is located at the heart. The word is Sanskrit meaning "unstruck," "unhurt" or "unbeaten." Associated with air, the anahata chakra governs love, compassion and acceptance. Anahata chakra is where the Atman, or true Self, resides. Realizing this Self is only possible if one is unconditional in love, which can be achieved when the anahata chakra is balanced. A balanced anahata chakra promotes love, compassion, forgiveness and Self-realization. If this chakra is unbalanced, it can cause possessiveness, emotional instability and health conditions such as heart disorders and lower immunity levels.


In Indian literature and philosophy, kama denotes longing and desire, often with a sexual connotation. But the broader concept refers to any wish, passion, pleasure of the senses, affection, love or enjoyment of life. Kama is personified as the deity Kama-deva, the god of erotic love and pleasure. In Hindu traditions, kama is one of life's four aims, and is considered essential and healthy if pursued with the other three aims: dharma (righteousness), artha (prosperity) and moksha (spiritual liberation).